Εllopia Press NY Την Κυριακή 3 Ιανουαρίου στις 8 μμ, (13.00 EST) πρόκειται να προβληθεί για πρώτη φορά στην Ελλάδα μέσω του Επίσημου΄Τηλεοπτικού καναλιού της Ι. Μητροπόλεως Θεσσαλονίκης 4Ε , η μικρού μήκους ταινία "ΠΙΣΤΕΥΩ". Μέσω δορυφόρου θα προβληθεί επίσης και στην Ευρώπη Ρωσία Αυστραλία βόρια Αφρική Καναδά και ΗΠΑ Σε επανάληψη την Τρίτη 10 Ιανουαρίου 3.20am (20.20 EST Monday January 9th μέσω δορυφορικών προγραμμάτων θα μεταδοθεί υπό την αιγίδα του 4E σε όλο τον κόσμο. Πρόκειται για μια αξιόλογη προσέγγιση της αμερικανικής εταιρείας παραγωγών MiB Mediaworks να παρουσιάσει το ολοκληρωμένο έργο της Αγιογράφησης του Ιερού Ναού του Σωτήρος. Η προσπάθεια αγιογράφησης ξεκίνησε πριν 50 χρόνια και ολοκληρώθηκε δια χειρός του γνωστού Έλληνα αγιογράφου Δημητρίου Μούρλα το 2015 με τη ευγενική χορηγία Ελληνορθοδόξων χορηγών της Κοινότητας του Ράι ΝΥ! To δημιουργικό τμήμα του MiB Mediaworks μιλώντας για την δημιουργία του φίλμ δηλώνει πως βρέθηκε να περιβάλλεται από τις ζωντανές εικόνες , που εξέπεμπταν την ιστορία , και το πνευματικό βάθος . Η διαδρομή από την απόφαση μέχρι την ολοκλήρωση της εικονογραφίας όχι μόνο του Ιερού Ναού αλλά και των ανθρώπων που στήριξαν όλα αυτά τα χρόνια την κοινότητα έπρεπε να ειπωθεί. Αυτό μετέφεραν στο 'ΠΙΣΤΕΥΩ" Περισσότερες πληροφορίες http://theartofbelief.org/
People around the world will "meet"not only the greatness of the Mountain of the Gods but the significant birth - creation of it. With a the geological help we travel 250 million years ago t meet the first shape of Olympus. Modern approach in the filming-making art - with the main contribution of Athina Krikeli - the director of the Olympus documentary series - is making this project more promising! The 1st documentary about Mt Olympus, with the title‘Elassona - the Secret Path to Mt Olympus’, has already been awarded twice in 2015 with international recognition in short films making. (Best shorts competition and Inde Film Festival USA) To the top of mt. Olympus Greece, Pantheon! This is the second trailer for the upcoming documentary by Ellopia Films USA : "Mt Olympus; The creation. A new documentary by award winner documentarian Athina Krikeli - a production of Ellopia Films USA. The Team of Ellopia, have the skills and the ability to ‘pass over’ to the viewers this great magic of the Gods and the pride and dignity of the mortals. Ellopia Media Group EMG - is a very successful and promising multimedia organization of Greeks abroad in USA, who keeps a top position among other Greek Media initiatives in USA - " Mt Olympus the creation"is an educational documentary project, which involves both History and Science fields, about the greek Mt. Olympus.
How Europe's poorest country is doing more than enyone else to help Syrian refugees by Annia Ciezadlo One Friday in late summer, just as the Syrian refugee crisis was beginning to peak, a blue station wagon pulled up to the Kara Tepe refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos. The car’s side mirror was held on with masking tape and force of will. Big letters on the side said “Free Food For All” in English and Greek. A half-dozen sunburned, chain-smoking Greek leftists of all ages piled out, followed by two barrel-sized aluminum vats, several gas burners with propane tanks, two folding tables, forty bags of pasta, a box of spices, a dozen car-battery-sized cans of tomato paste and a couple of three-foot-long wooden paddles for stirring soup. Within minutes, they had an outdoor kitchen set up. “With all respect, this should come from us,” said a tall young Syrian named Basil, who was a refugee himself. He spent the entire afternoon stirring and serving soup. “We should be doing this ourselves. But I’m glad they are doing it.” Story Continued Belo “They” are a mutual aid group called O Allos Anthropos, or “The Other Human” in Greek. The founder is Konstantinos Polychronopoulos, a burly, bearded man in his early fifties. In 2009, when the fiscal crisis hit Greece, Polychronopoulos lost his job in marketing and communications. Two years later, at 47, he was broke and living with his mother. One day, walking around Athens, he saw two children fighting over rotten fruit from a garbage can. “The worst thing was that people were passing, and they didn’t care,” he says. He stuck his nose and chest in the air, in a pantomime of lordly indifference. “They just looked at them and passed by”—here, he strutted off ten feet away, swinging his arms like a commedia dell’arte character, and then back—“I thought that that this was not acceptable, and horrible, and that people should care. So I decided to do something about it.” The next day, Polychronopoulos went out into the streets of Athens, and began cooking enormous communal meals with anyone who was hungry—Greeks, refugees, whoever. He’s been doing it ever since. This August, Polychronopoulos and other volunteers traveled to Lesbos, where they spent the traditional European vacation month standing for hours in 97-degree sun, with no shade, stirring giant steaming vats of food with thousands of people who were by turns desperate, angry, bewildered, helpless, exuberant at having survived the journey, or all of the above. Of all the countries in Europe, Greece is the one that can least afford to be anyone’s savior. It is the continent’s most beleaguered country: constantly threatened with expulsion from the European Union, it is hugely in debt to European banks. In 2010, the “troika”—the European Commission, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund—forced the government to adopt extreme austerity measures., and Greek society has been in a state of crisis ever since. Unemployment is 25.2 percent.Suicides are up 36 percent since austerity was introduced. Nearly half of all schoolchildren aren’t getting enough to eat. Greeks have every right to be exhausted and selfish. And some of them are: on Kos and Lesbos, the two islands where most refugees are landing, the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party almost doubled its share of the vote in the September 20 general election. (It didn’t help that supporters of the leftist ruling party Syriza stayed home in droves.) But if Europe has failed both Greeks and refugees, one of the strangely beautiful things about the current crisis is the way both Greeks and refugees have been helping each other get through it. As their government flounders, and the big international aid agencies focus on the 95 percent of Syrian refugees who aren’t in Europe, Greek volunteers have provided everything from housing to food, medical and legal help. Volunteers from Greece and other European countries even produced a clear, comprehensiveguidebook for incoming refugees, with useful Greek phrases like “I want a doctor” and “I am from Iraq,” and translated it into Arabic, Farsi and English. *** The Syrian refugee crisis first caught the world’s attention this September, when photographs of a three-year-old Syrian child named Aylan Kurdi, who drowned while trying to flee to Greece, went viral. The world moved on, but the situation on Lesbos has only gotten worse: In October, Russia’s relentless bombing campaign in Syria drove out a new wave of desperate people that peaked in mid-October. γράφει η Αθηνά Κρικέλη [email protected]
Interview to Baklava Maria Christina - Europolitis
1. What was it that has urged you to get involved with Mt Olympus? Although I originally come from Thessaly - central Hellas (Greece) - I have never known till now that Mt Olympus could be accessed also through our region (Thessaly). Reason for this ...‘discovery’ of mine was an invitation from a friend - Nikos Ntagas – a colleague of Ellopia Media Group - to follow him to a guided tour he had organized up Mt Olympus a few years back. Nikos Ntagas of Olympus Adventure has been actually the man who has originally ‘introduced’ me to the Mountain of the Gods! From there onwards I think it is the great Mountain Olympus itself that has taken over me and guiding me ever since... When one gets to experience this special place, climbs up to the highest peak, the Pantheon, then she or he gets actually adopted by the mountain itself... Just for the record, it is worth mentioning that the original name of - PANTHEON - has been changed with no reason what so ever, to this new meaningless word ‘Mytikas’ which is the name that prevails to these days. As a result of this careless and thoughtless, in my opinion action, the name of ‘‘PANTHEON’’, as a location, is being represented on Wikipedia only by the Pantheon in Rome, Italy - an ancient building, originally built in 27 BC as a temple and later in Christian times converted into a church. (If you simply follow a search in Google, in English, on the word ‘Pantheon’, then you will see what I mean...)!!! 2. What difficulties have you met during the process? Well, first of all I have to admit or better clarify that I am not a climber (mountaineer) but I am simply a journalist, so as you can understand for me many of these climbing processes/ascents were beyond my skills and my capabilities. Never the less, the rest of the Team had been the ‘reference point’ for me! Great people to work with, unique lovers of Mt Olympus, all of us shared the same vision: ‘‘ to promote our own Olympus and our own country at the best of our abilities’’! Moreover, our basic problem has always been and still is the financial bit. You see, this is happen if you are not under the umbrella of any political party, faction, or ...clique in Hellas, or in simple words if you do not belong to the ‘courtiers’! good intentions, international festival recognition etc are not elements for consideration! Nobody has contributed financially towards our cause in promoting the Greek Olympus, no Local Authorities got interested in any way – neither any Municipality nor any District Administration Office – with the only exception the Municipality of Litochoro, who even though they did not contribute financially towards the Olympus project, they expressed and support otherwise by offering assistance in facilitating our journeys in every other way (accommodation, meals, interest, appreciation, support…). I have to add here that the 1st documentary about Olympus – ‘Elassona: the Secret path to Mt Olympus’ (of 12 total mini documentaries) that was shown in USA, has already won 2 First Prizes (Best Shorts Competition and Indie International Film Festival), (nominated also for a First Prize in the International Documentary Festival in Korea). 3. Which were the most important moments of this ascent? Every step I made that brought me closer to the ‘inner depths’ of Olympus had been for me a thankful expression of appreciation and gratitude – it felt like a prayer, reaching so close to the ‘heart’ of Mt Olympus - it felt like feeling the heartbeat of the Great Mountain itself! At the summit, ‘Pantheon’ I felt differently…, I don’t think I can ever be able to describe the real sense of joy that Olympus so generously offers you from up there or the emotions I really felt at that point! It’s not the view that takes your breath away, or the precipitous rocks, the narrow strip of land under your feet at this highest peak of Olympus… You feel like sharing something grand, something imposing, you have a sense that=you are part of a ritual, a holy ceremony, a part ofa ‘Liturgy’ that does not really exist. It’s like having your DNA dancing at the rhythms of ancient ‘chorus’, repeating again and again vows of faith and trust to Hellas (Greece). Your body simply operates like a vehicle that you leave it at the top of the mountain once you get there, to regain strength for the descent and the journey back. Up there You don’t feel mortal at all - the great Mt Olympus will not allow it… 4. What are the secrets that Olympus in hiding? How lucky and unique it would ben if I knew all its secrets! The more I involve myself with Olympus the less I know. I started this project with great enthusiasm and love but as years go by and I return home to Hellas for the next filming of the documentary I approach the mountain of the Hellenes (Greeks) with a more humble attitude, respect, a kind of an overwhelming fear and with a feeling of wonder. Every local have their own story to tell, every scientist I meet from any part of the planet, has a kind of a shining eye and a mystery smile to hide when they talk about Olympus - I dare not ask what might be the reason! I have no idea what might be the hidden secrets or mysteries kept by Olympus, one thing though, I know for sure: from the very first moment Olympus allowed me to meet it, I have a sense of believing in everything. Whatever people may say about the Great Mountain, I will believe it! We are definitely very lucky … 5. Why in your opinion such a mythical Mountain has not been the subject of any serious study for so many years? Both the Greek Government and the various Ministries of Tourism have been spending for decades millions promoting Greek Tourism abroad. The fact that no official videos about Olympus exist, (documentary, promotional, informational etc) means a lot about the whole attitude held by the Government towards Olympus. Up to 2013 not a single television production (in English) about Olympus existed to be used for promotion abroad; this means one of two things: either we are incapable or for reasons that I simply do not know, Olympus is a ‘piece of the pie’ which should not be much advertised and promoted. If it is the first scenario, I feel sorry for the degradation of our Nation! If it is the second I am sorry but neither do I will ever take part in this scenario nor my colleagues! We will carry on promoting Olympus all over the world! We have the know-how, and the international recognition as well, to do so. 6. What are your expectations from this project? Certainly not money. WE are already tapped out by this production - to date the cost has reached the amount of US $220,000. It is clear that we have not received a single ‘drachma’ from the Government of Hellas or any other organization or Local Authorities etc. What are my expectations from this documentary? Our main target is to succeed in re-“setting” Olympus of Hellas back on the world map. Also it is for the whole world to know that Olympus is not a mythical mountain – its not another lost city of Atlantis - but it is a real, “vibrating” living mountain and anyone from any corner of this planet can visit it and climb up to its highest peak, The Pantheon! 7. What is the feedback you get from abroad? Awards, distinctions, screenings in Universities, presentations, enthusiasm, and immense interest. People are excited and anxious to see the second documentary, ‘Mt Olympus - The Creation’, which is basically presenting the scientific side on the subject – the geological aspects of Mt Olympus based on the 10 year research by the Geologist Dr. Annie Rassios. This special geological/historic documentation of Mt Olympus is emphasized here because of the pioneering work both by Dr Annie Rassios and her colleagues , and Ellopia Films USA for this super production. 8. Describe to me your greatest fear and your greatest emotional moment you felt up there I’ve been to war zones in several parts of the planet. The greatest fear, however, that I felt with this documentary – which is due to be completed by the end of December – was that I might not finish it on time. I feel a serious obligation towards my Homeland, my roots and roots are the people, the monuments, the birds, the air, the sea, the sun, the sky, the mountains…, all these I treasure dearly, for these are the History of my Hellas! The Great Mountain of Olympus is part of this History – I believe, this documentary is far beyond my capabilities and our collaborators too. We’ve been overcome by the subject itself, it’s growing taller and taller day after day, just like Olympus is… We live in strange times, it is fashionable to sell out our country! I’ve never liked following that trend... 9. If you were to choose one of the 12 Gods of Olympus, which one would it be? If I picked Athena…, shouldn’t I be labeled as arrogant? Heaven help those who help themselves. (Move your hand along with Athena (Minerva) Yes? We are what our beliefs stand for and we become what is being dictated by our own life experiences. 10. What does conquering the Mountain’s top really mean to you? Catch your breath at the Summit and move on to the next one… The Team Athina Krikeli , Dimitris Zisopoulos, Theodore Tzartos, Annie Rassios, Anna Papakontsantinou, George Hatzis, George Ziogas, Maria Christina Baklava, Ioannis Stratakis, Bill Kamak, David Washington, Poly Votsi, Kostas Krikelis, Lia Delkotzaki, Nikos Tatasopoulos, Petros Hatjopoulos ,Konstantinos Mpliatkas, Maria Syliopoulou, Anthia Digenakis, George Zouvelos, Panagiotis Panagiotides, Nikos Euaggelopoulos, Evangelos Apostolou, , Stavros Patras, HoneyBee Productions, Ellopia GR, Dimitris Lanaris, Panos Sazoglou Apostolis Skotidas George Vordos 1. What was it that has urged you to get involved with Mt Olympus? Although I originally come from Thessaly - central Hellas (Greece) - I have never known till now that Mt Olympus could be accessed also through our region (Thessaly). Reason for this ...‘discovery’ of mine was an invitation from a friend - Nikos Ntagas – a colleague of Ellopia Media Group - to follow him to a guided tour he had organized up Mt Olympus a few years back. Nikos Ntagas of Olympus Adventure has been actually the man who has originally ‘introduced’ me to the Mountain of the Gods! From there onwards I think it is the great Mountain Olympus itself that has taken over me and guiding me ever since... When one gets to experience this special place, climbs up to the highest peak, the Pantheon, then she or he gets actually adopted by the mountain itself... Just for the record, it is worth mentioning that the original name of - PANTHEON - has been changed with no reason what so ever, to this new meaningless word ‘Mytikas’ which is the name that prevails to these days. As a result of this careless and thoughtless, in my opinion action, the name of ‘‘PANTHEON’’, as a location, is being represented on Wikipedia only by the Pantheon in Rome, Italy - an ancient building, originally built in 27 BC as a temple and later in Christian times converted into a church. (If you simply follow a search in Google, in English, on the word ‘Pantheon’, then you will see what I mean...)!!! 2. What difficulties have you met during the process? Well, first of all I have to admit or better clarify that I am not a climber (mountaineer) but I am simply a journalist, so as you can understand for me many of these climbing processes/ascents were beyond my skills and my capabilities. Never the less, the rest of the Team had been the ‘reference point’ for me! Great people to work with, unique lovers of Mt Olympus, all of us shared the same vision: ‘‘ to promote our own Olympus and our own country at the best of our abilities’’! Moreover, our basic problem has always been and still is the financial bit. You see, this is happen if you are not under the umbrella of any political party, faction, or ...clique in Hellas, or in simple words if you do not belong to the ‘courtiers’! good intentions, international festival recognition etc are not elements for consideration! Nobody has contributed financially towards our cause in promoting the Greek Olympus, no Local Authorities got interested in any way – neither any Municipality nor any District Administration Office – with the only exception the Municipality of Litochoro, who even though they did not contribute financially towards the Olympus project, they expressed and support otherwise by offering assistance in facilitating our journeys in every other way (accommodation, meals, interest, appreciation, support…). I have to add here that the 1st documentary about Olympus – ‘Elassona: the Secret path to Mt Olympus’ (of 12 total mini documentaries) that was shown in USA, has already won 2 First Prizes (Best Shorts Competition and Indie International Film Festival), (nominated also for a First Prize in the International Documentary Festival in Korea). 3. Which were the most important moments of this ascent? Every step I made that brought me closer to the ‘inner depths’ of Olympus had been for me a thankful expression of appreciation and gratitude – it felt like a prayer, reaching so close to the ‘heart’ of Mt Olympus - it felt like feeling the heartbeat of the Great Mountain itself! At the summit, ‘Pantheon’ I felt differently…, I don’t think I can ever be able to describe the real sense of joy that Olympus so generously offers you from up there or the emotions I really felt at that point! It’s not the view that takes your breath away, or the precipitous rocks, the narrow strip of land under your feet at this highest peak of Olympus… You feel like sharing something grand, something imposing, you have a sense that=you are part of a ritual, a holy ceremony, a part ofa ‘Liturgy’ that does not really exist. It’s like having your DNA dancing at the rhythms of ancient ‘chorus’, repeating again and again vows of faith and trust to Hellas (Greece). Your body simply operates like a vehicle that you leave it at the top of the mountain once you get there, to regain strength for the descent and the journey back. Up there You don’t feel mortal at all - the great Mt Olympus will not allow it… 4. What are the secrets that Olympus in hiding? How lucky and unique it would ben if I knew all its secrets! The more I involve myself with Olympus the less I know. I started this project with great enthusiasm and love but as years go by and I return home to Hellas for the next filming of the documentary I approach the mountain of the Hellenes (Greeks) with a more humble attitude, respect, a kind of an overwhelming fear and with a feeling of wonder. Every local have their own story to tell, every scientist I meet from any part of the planet, has a kind of a shining eye and a mystery smile to hide when they talk about Olympus - I dare not ask what might be the reason! I have no idea what might be the hidden secrets or mysteries kept Η επίσημη πρώτη προβολή της Ελληνοαμερικανικής ταινίας "Swing Away" του Γιώργου Στεφανόπουλο άφησε τις καλύτερες εντυπώσεις στους προσκεκλημένους! Πρόκειται για μια ρομαντική κόμεντι που διαδραματίζεται στο νησί της Ρόδου. Πρόκειται για μια πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα παραγωγή που τηρεί όλες τις προυποθέσεις να "σταθεί" στο αμερικανικό κινηματογραφικό γίγνεσθαι, και όχι μόνο. Εξυπνοι διάλογοι, πολύ χιουμορ, συναίσθημα, με έντονη προσπάθεια (όχι όμως κουραστική) του σκηνοθέτη και των σεναριογράφων να περάσουν μέσα από την ευχάριστη αυτή ταινία μηνύματα φιλοσοφικά με την σφραγίδα του Νίκου Καζατζάκη. Οι συντελεστές κατάφεραν να δημιουργήσουν μια ισσοροπημένη ταινία που καταφέρνει να κρατήσει καθόλη την διάρκεια της τους θεατές μοιράζοντας ισάξια χιουμοριστικές ατάκες τόσο για τους Ελληνες όσο και για τους Ελληνοαμερικανούς και Αμερικάνους. Η προβολή έγινε υπό την αιγίδα των New York City Greek Film Festival Hellenic American Chamber of Commerce, The Greek nasional Tourism Organization, Dean and Zoe Pappas Interdisciplinary Center, New Greek Television, Hellenic American Cultural foundation. Director's statement I have always wanted to direct a film in Greece, as I have roots there (all four of my grandparents are Greeks) and I am proud of my heritage. When I first visited the country as a kid I had the strange sensation that I had come "Home" George Stefanopoulos "The Greeks: From Agamemnon to Alexander the Great". Photograph: Jaclyn Rivas.
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