Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook There is witnessing the Northern Lights, and then there is seeing the incredible aurora whilst upside down scaling a moonlit glacier! Mike Stuart and Takeshi Tani set out to climb the Canadian Athabasca Glacier in Alberta, when their ice walls were illuminated by the breathtaking natural light show. Night-time photographer Paul Zizka, who captured the pair, said photographing the pair clinging to the frozen glacier with the incredible backdrop was one of the highlights of his career so far. Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
![]() Ellopia Press Magazine The world’s 100 richest people earned a stunning total of $240 billion in 2012 – enough money to end extreme poverty worldwide four times over, Oxfam has revealed, adding that the global economic crisis is further enriching the super-rich. “The richest 1 percent has increased its income by 60 percent in the last 20 years with the financial crisis accelerating rather than slowing the process,” while the income of the top 0.01 percent has seen even greater growth, a new Oxfam report said. For example, the luxury goods market has seen double-digit growth every year since the crisis hit, the report stated. And while the world’s 100 richest people earned $240 billion last year, people in ”extreme poverty” lived on less than $1.25 a day. Oxfam is a leading international philanthropy organization. Its new report, ‘The Cost of Inequality: How Wealth and Income Extremes Hurt us All,’ argues that the extreme concentration of wealth actually hinders the world’s ability to reduce poverty. The report was published before the World Economic Forum in Davos next week, and calls on world leaders to “end extreme wealth by 2025, and reverse the rapid increase in inequality seen in the majority of countries in the last 20 years.” Oxfam’s report argues that extreme wealth is unethical, economically inefficient, politically corrosive, socially divisive and environmentally destructive. The report proposes a new global deal to world leaders to curb extreme poverty to 1990s levels by: – closing tax havens, yielding $189bn in additional tax revenues – reversing regressive forms of taxation – introducing a global minimum corporation tax rate – boosting wages proportional to capital returns – increasing investment in free public services The problem is a global one, Oxfam said: “In the UK inequality is rapidly returning to levels not seen since the time of Charles Dickens. In China the top 10 percent now take home nearly 60 percent of the income. Chinese inequality levels are now similar to those in South Africa, which is now the most unequal country on Earth and significantly more [inequality] than at the end of apartheid.” In the US, the richest 1 percent’s share of income has doubled since 1980 from 10 to 20 percent, according to the report. For the top 0.01 percent, their share of national income quadrupled, reaching levels never seen before. “We can no longer pretend that the creation of wealth for a few will inevitably benefit the many – too often the reverse is true,” Executive Director of Oxfam International Jeremy Hobbs said. Hobbs explained that concentration of wealth in the hands of the top few minimizes economic activity, making it harder for others to participate: “From tax havens to weak employment laws, the richest benefit from a global economic system which is rigged in their favor.” The report highlights that even politics has become controlled by the super-wealthy, which leads to policies “benefiting the richest few and not the poor majority, even in democracies.” “It is time our leaders reformed the system so that it works in the interests of the whole of humanity rather than a global elite,” the report said. The four-day World Economic Forum will be held in Davos starting next Wednesday. World financial leaders will gather for an annual meeting that will focus on reviving the global economy, the eurozone crisis and the conflicts in Syria and Mali. Source: “World’s 100 richest earned enough in 2012 to end global poverty 4 times over”, from ![]() ELLOPIA PRESS MAGAZINE HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO ALL OF YOU LADIES who have had the privilege of motherhood. It is a true privilege and blessing to have been able to conceive, and carry a wee one within you for months, give them birth, and hear their first cry as they took their first breath upon this earth. Remember the miracle of love coming over you permeating your entire being the first time they suckled on your breast and thumb? It was so strong it made you forget the woes of pregnancy and the pains of labor and delivery right then and there. Your cares and worries for them grew as they did. I am sure you remember the sleepless nights waiting for their fevers to break, their tears to dry, and the chasing of the monster from underneath their beds. As you think of the million worrisome times you’ve had over them coming home late from their prom dance, their first car, their first date, going to college, to the service and finally moving away from home, getting married and so forth. You wouldn’t change any of it for all the treasures of the world they are your treasures. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all of you mothers who had issues with conception and fought so hard to become mothers, you are amazing souls. I admire all of you, thinking of the many trips to the doctors, hormonal treatments, the restrictions of adoption, the long waiting, and finally the trips around the world to bring, to bring your baby home, God Bless you. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all the universal mothers in the world, maybe you did not bear a child of your womb, but you have mothered so many people, adults, children, pets and more. We were born mothers, mothering is our nature, and it’s in our blood, as women we are blessed with the motherly instinct. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all the mother’s whose children are no longer on this earth plane. I belong in that category and sharing with you the pain I have endured every year when loved ones refrain from offering their wishes to me. I understand why they don’t, and that does not lessen my pain. Our children may not be alive but we are still mothers as the live in our hearts. I always get sentimental around this Holiday, and in one of those times about twenty years ago something happened to precious not to share. Eleven in the morning, I was addressing my departed son in my journal asking him to help me find a card he had given me once on Mom’s Day, I had obviously misplaced. A few moments later I sensed his energy around me, I put the pen down on my pad closed my eyes and reveled in the vision of him. I had the feeling to go to the closet in my room as if hypnotized. I did, I felt led to look for a small brown bag I owned, I found it inside a bigger bag I was no longer using. I opened not even been aware of what I was doing. Well Glory Be, there it was; a hard plastic Mother’s Day card from a dime store with a yellow smiling face printed on it made out to me and signed by him. I looked at the bottom and it read NON EXPIRING. It is so precious to me; some things never expire such as mother-child love. GIVE YOUR MOM A CALL!!!!! A GREAT START
Porphyra, A Grecian Rock Opera is based on the record Faith, Struggle, Victory and features Dena Stevens’s Shazadi Dance Project. Set in the year AD 988, the Age of Basil II: Emperor of Byzantium, the story chronicles Princess Anna Porphyrogenita and her marriage to Grand Prince Vladimir of the Kievan Rus’. This story of love, war, and peace features hard rock and Greek folk music, belly dancing, actors, and a 12-piece rock orchestra. |
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April 2023